Jun 2024
Blisworth Mill
For 140 years since it was built “The Mill” has dominated the skyline of Blisworth.
For the first 40 years from 1879 it was Wesley’s steam corn Mill. Then for the last 20
years, since 2000, it has been a block of Flats, but what happened to it in the 80
years in between? We know at one time it was used by the Northampton Cooperative
Society, then it was a GJCC warehouse, in WWII it was a emergency food storage
Depot. This was followed by a bottling plant for Joseph Travers Ltd and finally it
was used by British Pepper and Spice. We are particularly interested in the last two
and some people who are still in the village must have worked there then. We would
paricularly like any reminiscences from that period, or photographs or a sketch plan
of the inside. If you can help, please get in touch.
Blisworth Heritage Society © 2024